Performance from Grass
We make extensive use of homebred stock sires, along with the occasional introduction of new genetics. Not many introduced rams have stood up well against our own, so we will often keep the best son, from strong female lines, as a way of incorporating those new genes.
I am incredibly pleased with the current team of stock sires, who are all in at least the top 2% of the breed for terminal index, with well balanced trait ebvs and have shown that they are capable of performing on a 100% forage diet. This is tested further by their use in our commercial flock each November, where they are expected to mate high numbers of ewes whilst maintaining body condition.
Semen is available from several of these sires, for both UK and export markets. Contact details for enquiries can be found on the 'Contact' link above.
Lowerye Ronnie (16ZVY02674)
A son of L.Powerpack (15ZVY01671), Ronnie has 3 generations of the top gigot muscularity rams in the breed in his sire stack.
Ronnie was twin born (& reared) in our March lambing flock in 2016, and amongst the highest growth rate lambs that year, with no creep fed. All the ewes in his dam line have always produced consistently well, and his dam (13ZVY00844) has numerous progeny retained in the flock already.
Ronnie has a terminal index in the top 1% of the breed and a double MyoMAX carrier.
Ronnie was sold to the Oakchurch flock in 2020, with semen retained.

Lowerye U'Cracker (19ZVY05712)
U'Cracker was the top ranked Charollais lamb born in 2019. He is the natural son of L.Ronnie out of ET donor, 13ZVY00727, making him a full brother to L.Stallone.
As with all of 727's progeny, U'cracker grew like a mushroom, and his superb fleshing qualities contributed to his 'top 1%' terminal index of 366 (based on 127 recorded progeny to date).
His first crop resulted in the highest index female in the breed, who we are flushing in 2021.
His progeny consistently exhibit his outstanding width and fleshing and he is seeing heavy use on all unrelated ewes again this year.
He is a double MyoMAX carrier.
Foulrice Viscount (20DG10460)
Purchased as a shearling at the early ram sale at Builth Wells for his fantastic loin muscling, 20DG10460 has a terminal index of 352 (top 2%) and one of the very largest eye muscle ebvs of +4.16mm, combined with good growth and a positive fat ebv.
He was bought as an outcross sire that should compliment descendants of L.Ronnie perfectly. He is running with 60 such females in 2021.
Lowerye Wild Thing (21ZVY07706)

Wild Thing is the top ranked Charollais lamb born in 2021. He is a March born ET son of Hundalee Volcano (20XMP04415), who was purchased jointly in 2020 for 2500gns.
Wild Thing's dam is an aged ewe by L.Nelson, who has tremendous confirmation, a good skin and has always been an exceptional mother.
Wild Thing always stood out as the pick of the 2021 lamb crop, and his performance gave him an index in excess of parent average. Detailed carcass measurement in a CT scanner bounced his index even further up, propelling to the top spot for 2021 with an index of 436.
He has a tremendous growth ebv which, combined with good muscling traits, give him a superb lean weight ebv of +1.35kg.
Wild Thing is running with a dozen Ronnie descendants to see what he can do.